The day was perfect for me. Hope Omer liked it too.
Nice sunrise. First day for a while that it wasn't gray and/or raining.

Two sons called to say Merry Christmas. One of them stopped by with a nice fruit basket. It looks like there were some gifts to open, as well.

The day cleared to be beautiful and crisp! Very welcome. If it can't be white at least it could be blue.

We fixed a really laid-back dinner of real food- everything fresh (well, OK, we didn't cure the ham ourselves, but nothing from a can or frozen), and ate it casually. Then we snacked for the rest of the day.

I got a game I wanted, and Om got books he wanted. Perfect.
I've reached the stage in life where I don't want to do big productions any more. I used to like it. Now, not so much.
Hope your holiday was perfect for you too!
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That sounds like the perfect day to me. Your dinner looks pretty tasty. I'm like you, I'm not in to big productions. Quiet and laid back is ok with me
Sounds like a good Christmas to me! We've got a bigger production going on, but we're coping!
A very quiet day for us too. Your meal looks great.
The food you like, the gifts you want: Perfect celebration.
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