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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Starlight! 2015

Today I went to the Starlight! Christmas concert. The church is always beautifully decorated.

Starlight concert

The child care for tots was pretty cute. The volunteer adult was dressed as a shepherd, and the little ones put on sheep costumes. I pasted in the sign that was nearby. There was a big tub of popcorn (and hand sanitizer), and the kids lined up at the fence to be fed. (They were probably taken somewhere else once the program began.)

Starlight concert

There are always solos and ensembles. These ladies were singing Jingle Bells. There's a mix of sacred and popular songs, as an outreach to the community. And is IS popular. The church is large, but you have to get tickets, even though they are free, because they fill to capacity for both performances.

Starlight concert

The skit this year was the Christmas story from the perspective of one of the shepherds. Here he is when he returns home, very late, and tries to explain to his wife about the incredible things he's just seen and heard.

Starlight concert

The rest of the skit was worth a few chuckles, but this scene was hilarious. The choir was singing How Great Our Joy on one side of the stage, and the shepherd was interacting in pantomime with his wife on the other side. So he was making big gestures and mouthing the words to explain about the angels and the singing and the baby. The next time through the song, the wife was doing it, but sarcastically, like, "right, what were you really doing?"

Starlight concert

I went with friends Paula and GayLynne. It was all a wonderful addition to Christmas week.

See Starlight! 2014
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Ann said...

That looks like a fun time. Love how they decorated that hallway with the lights. It's so pretty. Totally adorable idea with the child care area too. They have some clever people there

Secondary Roads said...

I always enjoy the Christmas programs. Looks like this one was very good.