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Friday, December 4, 2015

Mullein Forest

Just walking my path at home today, but I hadn't realized how many common mullein plants, Verbascum thapsus, are growing up in one area.

common mullein

I think the seed pods are more interesting than the flowers.

common mullein

And those big velvety leaves still look soft, even when they are droopy, dry and crunchy.

common mullein

It's a biennial, and nearby are the leaves for next year's flowering stalks.

common mullein

I'm off to work in about an hour.

See Common Mullein
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Secondary Roads said...

Love that first pic! I always did like mullein. It looks very interesting, but then most plants do.

The Furry Gnome said...

Always a few Mullein around our meadow here.

vanilla said...

I like mullein with the velvet leaves and. The great spikes. I have never seen such a forest, though. Cool.