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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Tree

Hey, it's that time of year. I'm tired and need to get to bed soon. Omer does a nice job on the tree each year.

Christmas Tree
I work all day tomorrow and tomorrow night, but then am off till next week!

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Lin said...

It IS beautiful! Is it real? We have a real tree and a fake one, but I prefer the real.

Good to be off for so long! I am envious. Merry Christmas, Shark.

Ann said...

pretty tree. You deserve that time off. Enjoy it

Secondary Roads said...

Looks nice. Hope you find some joy and renewal at Christmas time.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay mary krismas to yoo!!! that is a verry pritty tree!!! ok bye