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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mickey Matson Comes Home

Three years ago, a children's adventure film was made locally, followed by a sequel. You may never have heard of Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Treasure (originally named Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Conspiracy) or Mickey Matson and the Pirate's Code. But, you might have heard of the blockbuster movie "God's Not Dead." Same writer/director, Harold Cronk. He's local too. Graduated from the same high school as my Steve, a year later.

Several local actors had supporting and minor roles in the Mickey Matson films, some of whom are friends of mine. And yet, I'd never seen either film.

This afternoon, both were shown at the beautifully renovated Vogue Theater in Manistee (that's a story in itself for another day)

Vogue Theater

Vogue Theater

Following the showings, all those present who were part of the cast or crew came up front and the audience got to ask them questions.


Both are fun movies, excellently done by Cronk's 10 West Studios.

Does it say something about me that the largest pool of my acquaintances who were in the movies played pirates?

The strangest part for me was that I'd never seen a large-screen movie made in places familiar to me. It was weird to see the local college become a secret training camp, the state park a desert in Sudan, a local closed bank the scene of a bank robbery, etc.

There's a possibility that a third movie in the series will be made. That would be fun.

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vanilla said...

When I first clicked it came up "error" but when I hit refresh it opened fine.

Ann said...

oh how fun. that would be strange seeing all those familiar places in different situations

Secondary Roads said...

That's an excellent experience. The producers of Spartacus came to Spartan Stadium in East Lansing and recorded crowd sound for their movie. I was in the stands and added my voice to others in the student section.

vanilla said...

Not sure what that says, but I am not surprised. *grin*