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Thursday, December 31, 2015

It Lingers, and the December End of Month Report

That wet snow just continues to cling to the trees, forming a crusty coating. It's still very attractive.

snowy branches

I did get some projects done that aren't on the list. Trimmed another tree by the driveway, re-covered the well pit for winter, clipped all the small autumn olive in the lawn where I didn't get it whacked. Whacked some more, but not nearly a whole space.

And now, it's the end of the month, so here's my report on progress toward my listed goals. Pretty pathetic, but probably better than if I wasn't reporting to you.

54 in 300, report on day 37
1WRITINGbegin working on North Country Quest againalmost done with Chapter 1- "Meanders and Undulations"of new work, just Dec (total about 5 chapters done
2WRITINGedit Kiss of the Butterfly, submit for publicationnothingnothing
3WRITING100 NC History pagesnothingjust the planning last month
4WRITINGblog about 8 wild foodsnonenone
5WRITINGfinish Dead Mule Swamp Druggistchapters 21, 224 chapters added
6WRITINGdo 10 book promotion things2 article on Murder By 4 blog, and did a plug on Facebook4
7WRITINGwriting schedule day 50 times49
8WRITING5 entries in Off the Sanctuary Wallnonenone
9WRITINGpursue a contract I can't name yetfollow up contactno results
10WRITINGtalk to 5 bookstores about carrying mysteriesnonenone
11HOUSEfix kitchen drawerDONEDONE
12HOUSEcut down 5 autumn olive treesnonenone
13HOUSEclean refrigerator twicenonenone
14HOUSEreplace kitchen faucetnothingnothing
15HOUSEget lawnmower fixednothingnothing
16HOUSEclean terracenothingnothing
17HOUSEkitchen light electric boxnothingnothing
18HOUSEreplace faucet by washing machinenothingnothing
19HOUSEput away model railroad stuffnonenone
20HOUSEspend 10 hours sorting books12
21FITNESSincrease to 30 pushups21increase of 5 this month
22FITNESSincrease to 100 jumping jacks65increase of 15
23FITNESSincrease to 2 min planking70 secno increase
24FITNESSwalk, bike, ski or snowshoe 200 times1220, this is still terrible
25HIKINGNCT Hike 100 Challenge for 2016nonedoesn't start till Jan 1
26HIKINGvisit 5 new MI counties to explore trailsnonenone
27HIKINGhike 100 more miles of the Buckeye Trailnonenext spring
28HIKINGclear my trail better5have worked on it a total of 13 days, terrible
29PERSONALSavings Goaladded some72% to goal
30PERSONALFinancial Goal #2nothingnothing
31PERSONALlose 10 pounds-1 as in going the wrong waythe really bad news is I lost 1 (total of 2, but gained 3 over Christmas)
32PERSONALplay music 50 times38
33PERSONALother #1 (200 times)719, not on track
34PERSONALother #201, not on track
35MISCmake 21 quarts juice07 total
36MISCtry 10 new wild foodsnonenone
37MISCsome genealogy stuffnothingnothing
38MISC100 more pix on Shark Shotsnonenone
39MISC2 photo cards documentednothingnothing
40MISCgive 10 gifts from my kitchen22
41MISCeat at Brenda's Burgersnothingnothing
42MISCeat at Country Crittersnothingbut I'd better, because it's for sale
43MISCtake my trailer on 2 tripsnonenone
44MISCfinish monkey bootiesnothingnothing
45MISCget two programs NCT and Kitchen Sinktentative contactnone
46MISCget rid of 100 thingsnothing7
47MISCread or listen to 100 books3, best one was Devil in the White City by Eric Larson, juxtaposing the 1893 World's Fair with a serial killer who was operating in the same section of Chicago- a true story9
48MISCmove NCC from Josh's garagenothingnothing
49MISCshort bios of 5 relativesnonenone
50MISCsort my fabricnothingnothing
51MISCdo something inside my trailernothingnothing
52MISCadd 50 things to family heritage listnonenone
53MISCsome VCR tapes to DVDnonenone
54MISCsome cassette tapes to CDnonenone
See Space Three, and November Report
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The Furry Gnome said...

You need to get going lady! Just like i do (if I had such a list)! Happy New Year!

Ann said...

Considering that is a pretty ambitious goal list I think you did very well. Much better than I think I would have done with it. I've gotten far too lazy.
Happy New Year

vanilla said...

You are so goal-oriented. If I were to attempt a list such as that I would be totally goal-disoriented. *bwahaha*

RNSANE said...

You put me to shame! I can't even get a blog out.