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Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Our first real snow is very wet and heavy. It has covered everything with a coating that looks like heavy frost or powdered sugar. It isn't exactly ice, but it's heavy and slushy. Beautiful, but really difficult to move around.



It was a long day at work, and I'm hitting the hay early.

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jeanlivingsimple said...

Looks like Fairy Land!
Strange weather here in Georgia also.

Ann said...

That kind of snow always does look pretty but I think it's the worst kind.

Secondary Roads said...

Fortunately, Monday's precipitation (mostly ice balls) didn't stick to trees and utility lines. With Tuesday's warmth (relative), it melted a little bit on the driveway. It was a big job to remove it, but with help from John (Deere) and Sylvia, we did it. That's good, because the temps have dropped.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy noo yeer!!! and brr that luks kold!!! ok bye

RNSANE said...

I love seeing your snow from the warm perspective of my home. We are getting much needed rain here in San Mateo while, of course, the Sierras are enjoying their snow.