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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Party at Work

You're going to start thinking that all we do is have parties! Oh well. We need a few perks.

The paper actually bought pizza for each department (on different days), so that was really nice. Please notice our space appropriate pallet tree.

Christmas Party

We did a gift exchange where everyone drew a name, and there was a spending limit, so gifts were small and fun.

Christmas Party

Also, we all chipped in an item to give our manager (she's awesome and deserves much more than this) a bag full of gifts.

Christmas Party

Oh look! Two of us in the same space.

Christmas Party

I like the people I work with, so it was a fun time. Then, of course, it was back to work for the afternoon. We are doing the usual Friday night tonight, so I'll soon be out the door.

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Rick (Ratty) said...

I wish they would have done things like this at any places I ever worked. It looks like a lot of fun. I did get to sit and watch all the other guys get drunk one year. It sounds bad but it was kind of fun. Merry Christmas.

Ann said...

a party at work is always good. Love the pallet tree. We have our Christmas party at work too. We set up in the back hall and everyone gets to eat and open their gift when they go on break or lunch. We don't get to all party at the same time but some of us get to hang out more than others.

Secondary Roads said...

The newspaper headline read: "Rare Michigan Grinch sightings reported."

Lin said...

Merry Christmas, Sharkey and Omer!! Omer looks like Santa....hmmmm.....

vanilla said...

That is a great picture of the two of you.