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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Purple Latex Glove on Sapling

We had the coldest day of the winter so far, about 25 degrees. I had to run an errand that took me past a North Country Trail crossing, so I stopped for a short and brisk walk. There was a little more snow there than at our house.

North Country Trail

Despite the cold, the sky was lovely, and the sun occasionally warming a shoulder.

blue sky

Just a large shelf fungus, way past its prime, but providing some interest.

shelf fungus

And, inexplicably, the "Purple Latex Glove on Sapling." One has to wonder what a surgical glove was being used for in the forest. I'm reading a true crime book right now, and the associations are not pleasing.

purple glove

But the book is great. I'm going back to reading now.

Freesoil Trailhead south, out and back, Lake County, MI

See Grilled Cheese on Snow
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Ann said...

LOVE the second picture looking up.
I read a lot of murder mystery books so the latex glove out there in the middle of nowhere would create thoughts that were criminal in nature. Very suspicious. Or like Scooby Doo would say "Look Shaggy, a clue"

Secondary Roads said...

Ah, the glove . . . Therein lies a mystery.