This post is really full of odds and ends. I still have more plants from Ohio and Alabama to show you, but there were a couple of cool finds at home, and I also got another really nice birthday gift. So, you get odds and ends.
These towels are a gift from hiking friend, Loren. What you need to know is that she made these. She did all the machine embroidery on them and the applique. You should see the quilts she makes! Nice gift!

Next I have a very poor picture, but at least I got a picture. This was taken through my kitchen window screen. I opened the door and could see something dark in the grass but not what it was. I closed the door and got my camera, extended the lens, and took this picture. But when I opened the door again to try to get a better shot, it flew away.
It's a common black swallowtail (male). That said, any time I see a swallowtail butterfly is a good day. They are big and showy, and I see the tiger ones much more often than these. The link below is to a much better picture of one also taken in my yard, six years ago. Not sure I've seen one since.

Now, let's talk about field guides. I have a brand new one for butterflies of North America, by Kenn Kaufman. When we were at Butterfly Ridge in Ohio, I asked which guide the owner recommended, because I don't particularly like the ones I have. He said this is the only one he sells because it's the best. Works for me. I now own one.
Of course, there was also an amazing one for caterpillars, but I had to limit my spending to one.

Finally, I doubt he/she was watching the butterfly, but also in the yard, at the same time, was this handsome woodchuck. You know that all he wants to know about plants is how many to eat.

I'm closing in on the identity of one of my mystery plants. You may see that tomorrow.
In other news: wrote a chapter in The Bigg Boss, worked at Shagway Arts Barn all afternoon. They open for the season next week. I mostly cleared trails and lugged fallen branches from beside the driveway. Earned my supper!
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Those towels are perfect for you. We had a woodchuck living under our shed for a while. Haven't seen him in a very long time. I guess he either moved on or became road kill.
hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow that is wun jiant myootant skwirrel wot yoo hav got their!!! i meen i hav seen sum big skwirrels heer too but nuthing like that!!! i do not no wot i wood do if i saw that skwirrel in my yard i wood probly -- wot??? oh dada sez that is not a skwirrel he sez that is a woodchuck hay dada i am pritty shoor that i no a skwirrel wen i smel wun and i am smelling wun rite now!!! ok bye
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