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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Finding Happiness

There's a meme going around about all the things people pray for and how God answers. It's actually pretty good. Of course I can't remember the exact words, or even find it, but it ends with "I prayed for happiness, and God said, 'I gave you life. It's up to you to choose to be happy.'"

So that was my project for today. We took Steve to the airport in the middle of the night, and got home at 5:30 this morning. His visit was great but over too soon. I hope he comes back before another seven years pass. Started to read a book that is supposedly historical fiction. It's more like an historical soap opera. Not sure I can make myself finish that. Tired all day because of the long night.

So, I started a new puzzle. This was another gift from Loretta, but I hadn't done it yet. 1000 pieces, and those can take a long time. It's shaped like a butterfly.

jigsaw puzzle fox

The puzzle was the key to a quality day today. You can't really tell from the picture on the box if a puzzle will be easy or difficult. So much depends on the way the pieces are cut.

This puzzle is just about perfect with a nice picture and a challenge without being super difficult. I didn't really look at the picture closely before I started it, and I never look at it while doing the puzzle.

Lots of bright colors and flowers, and in addition to a LOT of monarch butterflies, there were little critters to find and build. I smiled every time I discovered one- usually eyes and nose, and then a few more pieces and I could tell what it was going to be.

A fox.

jigsaw puzzle blue butterfly

Mostly monarch butterflies, but a few different ones. A blue one just for me.

jigsaw puzzle blue butterfly

Two bears.

jigsaw puzzle bears

A red panda.

jigsaw puzzle red panda

Several deer.

jigsaw puzzle deer

Some I haven't been able to assemble enough to identify yet.

So, I'm enjoying life and working on being happy with the blessings I have been provided. Tomorrow I should feel human enough to get some things done again. And we all know I'm happiest when I'm accomplishing something.

And, if I see a copy of that prayer go by again, I'm going to grab it!

See How Can It Be Friday?
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1 comment:

Ann said...

There's a quote I read once (supposedly by Benjamin Franklin) that says "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be" That is so true because happiness really is a choice.
I like that puzzle and the way it's shaped.