Our fruit trees are aged, uncared for, and completely organic including whatever bugs or bunnies or blights take their toll. But this year, they are at least getting a promising start. The one above is a sour cherry tree. Almost every year, I'm gone when the cherries ripen, if there are any at all. But this year I'll be home, and maybe, just maybe there will be enough for both me and the birds.

This is one of the two pear trees. I usually have more pears than I can deal with, and end up giving a lot of them away. The last couple of years I've been hiking, though, and didn't do anything at all with them. So I have hopes of drying some pears and making our favorite pear recipes for several weeks. This includes some muffins and bread for the freezer.
Well, there is a lot that could happen between now and ripe fruit!
For your pears, try making pear butter. My mother said it was really easy. She just substituted pears into the recipe for apple butter. I loved it.
they look beautiful and promising more fruits, haven't had pear muffins, you gave me an idea.
You must be in almost the same season as here in England.The blossom on the apple tree and the wild cherry have just gone.
The blossom is so pretty - I wish you a plentiful harvest:-)
Enough cherries for you AND the birds? Only if you get there first. At least that was my experience when we had cherry trees. I put netting over the trees--it was the only way I got to enjoy any of them.
Good luck with those cherries - we are lucky to get a handful, as for the pears we always have plenty for every one including the birds :)
Oh, yum! How lucky you are to have fruit trees. :D
I hope you post recipes showing what you make with the fruit you get.
that's one beautiful promise. Your pear tree looks much better than mine does. it's not looking real healthy this year. It never has pears that are very good but I love the blossoms on it in spring
Birds always got our cherries. Seemed we were always gone when they ripened, and they were gone by the time we got home. Very pretty spring display your trees present!
Very pretty trees and home. I hope you are richly rewarded. :-)
Cannot imagine when pears grow so many on the tree.
Do you have to net the trees to save them from the birds? Or do they get buggy? We had apple trees for years, but the bugs got to them unless we sprayed--which I didn't want to do. I didn't know if pear or cherry trees were the same way.
Emma- I have done that, but the truth is that we just don't eat much of that kind of stuff or even jelly.
Betchai- the pear muffins are one of our favorites. They have a lot of oatmeal in them too.
Hi unplug- well, we are far behind Carol of Duxbury Ramblers, but I think spring has finally arrived!
Hi jabblog!- thank you. I'm not as dedicated about using all the fruit as I would wish, but when I'm home I try to do things.
Chuck- I know... that's what usually happens, but some years I get some.
Carol- Well, I like the birds too. If I get a pie and some to dry I'll be happy.
CD- I try to not turn this into a food blog, but I will share any major efforts. I'm more likely to write the recipes into an article and then add a link from here.
Ann- these are good pears, but I just can't eat use them fast enough when they start to ripen. If it's a good year I give away sacks full.
vanilla- I know... it's a real timing game.
Hi Judy- thanks for stopping by. Wish that were my house! It's a business across the road.
rainfield- Believe it! If there are lots and if I remember and if I have energy, I will share the pix. But they don't ripen till fall.
Lin- our old apples are usually too buggy and small. WHen we first moved here I tried to prune a few apples into better things, but without much luck. The birds usually (but not always) get the cherries, but the pears are often a winner.
I love pear bread and used to make it very often - haven't done it in several years, though. I must buy a huge bag an make some for each of my boys. It really freezes very well, too.
Your blooms are so pretty.
Lovely trees. Even lovelier that they actually promise food. :)
Carmen- I make a pear-almond bread that we really like!
Ivy- yes... we also have a lovely crabapple, but I haven't found anything to use those for that isn't so labor intensive that it's ridiculous.
Two things from our crabapple. Pickle them whole in sweet spice and crabapple jelly!
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