Just in case you weren't pretty certain of my insanity already, yes, I've started another blog.

Here's my rationale. I plan for this one to be mercenary. I have no second thoughts about trying to make some money with this topic. I've decided to blog about wild foods. Since foraging the roadsides and fields is something I do anyway, why not blog about it?
I spent a lot of time hunting down the template I chose. I didn't design it, or even play with it very much yet, but I haven't seen it used on another blog, so it's fairly unique and I think it fits well.
My friend, Ester, also does a lot of things with wild foods, and she says she is interested in doing some of the posts too. That could work out really well, but she only has dial-up at her house, so I'm not sure how often she'll really be able to do it.
I expect that posting will be sporadic- lots to show at certain times, and then stretches without much to say. I've come to terms with the idea that sort of schedule is ok on some blogs.
Anyway, if you are so inclined, take a peek, follow, fav, +1, advertise there, share in any way you want, if you are so inclined.
And for a progress report: I've got seven quarts of crabapple juice in the fridge. Tomorrow I will put it all in canning jars and process them. It's concentrated, so that represents about 14 weeks worth of breakfast juice for me over the winter, and about 25 servings of the crabapple sauce. I also made one batch of jelly. Might do more. It's really, really yummy.
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