There are SO many cool things from the past two weeks to share, I'll probably throw them in on days when not much has happened here. Wait, what am I saying? I rolled out of bed, caught up on some email, paid bills, made a shopping list, met someone to check out a place where I'm leading a botany walk on Thursday, came home and took a poison ivy shower (!), went grocery shopping, took care of all the stuff, cooked a soup for my dinners this week, walked the dog twice, printed out work tickets for my "real" job, and then settled in to read a few blogs, start a plant checklist for Thursday, and blah, blah, blah. Stuff happened here, but I'm just going to show you this anyway. So there.
This is an ordinary Mother-in-law's Tongue, Snake Plant, or whatever you like to call it. It's
Sansevieria trifasciata, a native of western Africa. Most anyone with houseplants has one.
However, Marie's decided to bloom this year, which is rather rare. Her plant is really rootbound, and with some succulents, like "hens and chicks" that is almost a prerequisite for blooming.
Hers has about five of these stalks, all of them exuding those droplets, which are sticky. It's just sap, and many plants will produce the drops if there is high root pressure. The drops are just water and plant sugars.
One of the blossoms was starting to open before I left. I think it will open farther and the stamens lengthen until it looks almost like a starburst. Hopefully, Marie will take more pictures.
I have a chunk taken from the same plant. I wonder if mine will bloom one of these days.
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