It was so hot and humid today, I had to go somewhere cooler and wet. I wanted Maggie to be able to go, which really limited the choices. But Summit Township Park allows dogs on leash. And there is access to a lot of unpopulated beach north of there.

We walked around the point you can see here, and a bit farther before turning around. I walked in the water. The big lake is warm (water temps in 60's) already- it's only June! Maggie is so prissy. She hardly ever let her feet get wet. She managed to avoid all the water dog genes from either the Vizsla or Labrador heritage.

There aren't many big rocks along the Michigan shore, unlike Lake Superior where there are lots of rocks. So I was delighted to find that this stretch of beach has quite a few rocks. This was the biggest.

The variety of colors and patterns in the rocks was great! This rock is about three feet across.

The commonest colors were pink, white and black, but once in a while there was a bright gem. These are smaller- just a few inches across.

I took way too many pictures. I know I've posted more than I usually do, but the beauty of the wet rocks was overwhelming. Just one more... These little beauties were arranged by Mother Nature, just for you.

More work tomorrow! Who knows what I'll find. Also, I'm going to be interviewed at 6:30 pm Eastern (3:30 Pacific time) about being an author. Hear it live, or listen to the recording later, at A Cup of Coffee and a Good Book
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oh, love the patterns in those rocks, and those little beauties are awesome too. you give me an idea to photograph little beauties too, since oftentimes, i focus on the large ones :(
I love to stroll along the beach. Glad you snapped those "rock" pictures; very artistically appealing.
I to enjoy a stroll along a rocky beach. The variety of colors and patterns in the rocks is very interesting. I used to polish them because I like the way they look.
I love the beach too!
We used to have a dog that was scared of water. Like Maggie, he would avoid even sticking his feet in it. It was not fun come bath time.
Maggie is your Vizsla? What a wonderful place to take her. Our dogs love the beach, shame we live so far from it. Big hug for Maggie.
Award for you on my blog. :)
i love to look for the rocks as much as the shells--so lovely!
How nice, a day at the beach. I haven't been to the beach yet this year.
I had 2 chocolate labs before I had Duke. One loved water the other hated it
betchai- I'm just the opposite. I like the details.
vanilla- yeah, all those beaches in Indiana!
Chuck- water is cheap, temporary polish
Lin- come visit my beach!
Suzie- We have wonderful beaches nearby, but dogs aren't welcome very many places. Thanks for the award. I'll pick it up soon.
Lynn- We don't have many shells
Ann- now a Lab that doesn't like the water is REALLY odd.
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