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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's a Snowblower

Well, the big storm we were supposed to get was pretty much a fizzle. The wind blew a lot but we had very little snowfall.

Nevertheless, I wanted to run the new blower in the daytime for the first time. I wish I could tell you it's just wonderful and such a joy compared to the old one and blah, blah. But, it's a huge snowblower that is difficult to deal with just like the other one. But it moves snow.

It's also really hard to take a picture while operating it!


In other news: I got a lot of the formatting done for the paper copy of DMS Druggist. Very good progress, in fact. Handbell practice and writers' group.

See Exchanging Red for Orange
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Ann said...

Too bad the new snow blower isn't a big improvement over the old one. But like you said it does move snow. Only a blogger would try to take a picture of a snowblower while operating it...lol

Secondary Roads said...

For us the big snow is today (Wednesday). Please, would the person praying for a white Christmas just stop. Please.

Lin said...

It's a dance between getting a blower that can handle your driveway and being able to handle the large machine. I'm glad you have it, regardless. Feeling comfortable with it will come with time. Sounds like you will have a lot of practice.