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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Playing/Not Playing Games

  I don't have much to show you today. I actually accomplished quite a bit, but it's not very picturesque. I spent the whole day until after 2 pm on marketing stuff (which included the online class I'm taking).

But then I decided I needed a change of pace. I have two computer games I play regularly. Sometimes they become demanding of my time, and then I need to say "it's a game!"

So, I didn't look at those games all day. What I did instead was played another motivational game I use from time to time in various forms (usually involving jobs I DO NOT want to do). Today, it went like this. I am working on another jigsaw puzzle, and this one is suitably hard. Really hard. So for every 10 pieces I put in, I had to put 10 things away. This is the result. dining room table with piles of paperwork

No, it's not clear, but just to remind you, this is what it looked like after my last round of cleaning in that room. I consider this a huge improvement. Pat me on the back. Maybe I can even make myself do a little bit more in the next few days. dining room table covered with stuff

That's all the news!

See Dining Room and Trailer Tetris


The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Oooh! Look at that table!"
Chaplin: "So much stuff to be pushed onto the floor!"

Ann said...

That's a pretty clever motivational game.

Sharkbytes said...

Chaplin- you missed your chance! There were lots of little shiny rolling things we humans call screws. Those are now gone. The boxes of papers wouldn't be nearly so much fun.

Ann- I need all the help I can get!

Secondary Roads said...

Well done! How neat that you turned it into a game. Perhaps that's what I need to do to get motivated--or at least moving.

Sharkbytes said...

Chuck- I do this ALL the time. Usually it's more like read a chapter then do X, then another chapter, etc. But I seem to be on a puzzle jag.