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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Goodbye Hiawatha - Day 411

We finished the Hiawatha National Forest trail miles today! This is a beautiful section, and very much like my home trail because the hills are stabilized sand dunes.
trail through red pines

The trail climbs to the top of a ridge and undulates along the ridge for several miles. We made it to the Eric Cox bench just at the right time for our snack break.
hiker on a bench

There are some decent views over the forest from there, but the neatest thing is that you can see the Mackinac Bridge, 8 straight-line miles away.
Mackinac Bridge

We hiked little farther, and I stopped dead in my tracks and said, "This is a really nice piece of benched trail." Guess what? Bill said this is the exact place where Bill Menke (you may recall all the times previously that I've invoked his name where perfect trail has appeared) led a training session on how to build good trail.

This is the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter section of trail. I want to tell you how much great work they have done since I last hiked this in 2009. There are a whole lot of places where they have moved eroded trail to more sustainable locations and have benched trail around the sides of hills instead of going straight up to the top and down (not fun for hikers, not good for preventing erosion). Yes, it was hilly, but it wasn't a grueling slog.
benched trail

Finally, we got to the easy part. The last few miles were on a former Soo Line rail trail. Our pace picked up to 3 mph.
gravel rail trail

And then we reached the I-75 overpass and the car!

This was the longest day I've done for a while. But the temperature was perfect at around 40 degrees. We are going to try to sneak in a few miles early tomorrow before some serious rain hits.

Miles today: 12.0. Total miles so far: 4565.4.

See Br-r-r-r-r-evoort


Paul Bates said...

Sounds like a great contrast to weeks of dodging the snow!

Ellie said...

Were those trilliums in the first picture? Or just left over snow? Sometime I would love to try hiking this section of the trail.

Sharkbytes said...

Paul- the bare trail is so appreciated! I can hike instead of stumble.

Ellie- snow. No trilliums yet. It was a pretty section, but challenging.