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Monday, April 10, 2023

Manistee River - Day 402

The day began with being spotted by Patty and Dave Warner.

They hiked with me part of the day, as far as Headquarters Lake.
Headquarters Lake

I'm always a sucker for patterns in the water. I like how this one fades off from black to white. Yes, it's a color picture.
water patterns

Chainsaw chairs are whimsical and practical.
chainsaw chairs

I finally reached the crossing under the US 131 road bridge on the Manistee River.
US 131 bridge

Yes, the Manistee River... this begins to sound very close to home.
Manistee River

But the truth is that there are still 100 trail miles between here and home (where I began on Dec 1, 2021). And there are a couple hundred miles yet to do north of here as snow melting allows, and those orphaned 105 miles in the western UP that I may not be able to do until June. This is taking SO much longer than I hoped.

Sue and I hiked this in 2017, so I had seen it before. The link takes you to our Day 1. If you want to see more, just choose "newer post" at the end for the next two days.

It was another lovely, warm day.

Miles today: 12.7. Total miles so far: 4490.7.

See Hike 100 2023


Ann said...

I like those chainsaw chairs and the pattern in the water is wonderful.
The scene is the last photo is amazing. What a view.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- this is so close to home, I just love the beauty where I live