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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hill(s) Beckon - Day 415

This is my favorite intersection on the entire North Country Trail. I hope the trail always goes through this corner.
street signs Hill and Beckon

Lake Michigan was kicking up some moderate waves this morning. A stiff little wind kept the 35 degrees feeling a tiny bit colder, but it was a good hiking temperature, and in the woods the wind was moderated.
Lake Michigan

The first two miles were really hilly with the trail climbing to the tops of stabilized dunes and following them until dropping down and climbing up again.
hilltop trail

There are some vistas, but sadly, they don't look like much at this time of year. This is the gray and brown season. Non-colors. My least favorite time of the year.

There was a smiley in North Country blue. I can't decide if he looks happy or just a tiny bit evil.
smiley face

I thought I was walking very slowly- the hills were difficult. But later, I did 2 road miles in 30 minutes. So that wasn't slow! Overall, I made good time for the day.

My trail angel this morning was Jen. She would have hiked with me, but she had another committment.
person in a car

Miles today: 11.6. Total miles so far: 4601.1. Over 4600!

See Bye Bye, Bill


Cindy said...

Congrats on the 4601!

Ann said...

I'm going with a little bit evil on that smiles face.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Hmm well I mean I guess the tree might be feeling a little bit evil over being cut down and stuff ..."

Sharkbytes said...

Unknown- thanks

Ann- I agree

Lulu- I think it fell down on its own, but if trees insist on falling across the trail, they will get cut.

Unknown said...

I love that section and visit it at least once a year