Now we are doing rain. So much for recreational snow. The roads are all icy. I tried to go out on work assignments. More on that later. I really liked how the raindrops were clinging to this red cedar.

The blessing? Well, um... shuffles feet and gets embarrassed... I slid into a ditch on a back road. I'm fine. I even managed to drive out of the ditch (gotta love my little Subaru!). But I ripped the back bumper off the car. Oops. Or not. Bumpers are only plastic these days and this one had a crack or two. So I get a whole new plastic piece, and the real bumper that's behind it since I also bent one of the brackets, all for the $100 deductible on my insurance.
Finally, I'm getting some benefit from having insurance. Mostly I think of it as a legalized scam, but today it earned its keep. Parts are ordered, it will be fixed early next week.
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Secondary roads in these parts were super bad yesterday. I'm glad you are okay and were able to drive away from your incident.
love those pictures, natures decorations :)
Too bad about the bumper but at least it wasn't all bad
We're having rain here now as I write this. I hope the roads around here don't get too icy. I'm used to driving on city streets where they are promptly salted. there will be none of that around here, and I have a big drive ahead of me tomorrow.
I'm just glad YOU are okay! Whew! Scary.
Insurance is a have-to these days. Auto parts add up quickly and it's best to have some protection to get them fixed.
whew...glad you were "OK" and able to get out of the ditch with just the loss of the bumper...I am sure your new one will look pretty and shiny!
Like the pictures of the raindrops..much nicer than our raindrops that come with tornadoes these days.
Chuck- it was sheet ice with water on top. After I got the car out of the ditch I found that I could not even walk across the road to retrieve the bumper. I had to walk along the shoulder till I got to some dirt spots where I could get traction.
Ann- I can't complain. It really all worked out well.
Ratty- Ice is really treacherous. Be careful!
Lin- Yeah, we have to have it in MI, but I still resent it, this is the second claim I've ever filed.
Loretta- your tornado story was really scary. It trumps mine by a mile, but you don't blog!
Oohing and aahing over the pics - so pretty!
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