If you live where the teasel grows you are almost certainly familiar with it at this time of year. The prickly dried seedheads are great for bouquets. They can be sprayed gold or white or whatever, if you don't want natural brown.
I thought I was going to show you pictures of it in bloom that I took last summer, but I couldn't find them, so you only get the brown pricklies today.
They grow 5-7 feet tall, so a field of them is easy to spot even while driving by.

They almost glow in the gray light with a few snowflakes.

Goldfinches like to eat the seeds, which they pick out of the seed heads.

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I've seen these many times all over the place.
I love them an have always thought they were pretty.
Thanks for the information about how to preserve them!
Happy day!:-)
I always did like them. That was one of the favorite craft materials for my late mother-in-law. So the sight of them evokes memories of her, and they are good memories.
oh yea, I'm quite familiar with these
I have to admit to being a little partial to the Blog Posting Murderers post.
That reminds me...I think Chuck sent me a badge that read that....I've got to find that.
This post inspired me. I left the house with my camera within minutes of leaving my comment here and went hunting.
I am so glad I did. I got some good pictures and I got a great picture of some type hawk.
I was gone almost four hours and forgot to take my cell. It was glorious!:-)
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