But first we started with a yummy pot luck lunch at the Big Bear Sportsman's Club near Kaleva. This was a new venue for us, and it worked really well. I managed to forget to take a picture of the food table, but you can be sure that it was loaded with amazing salads and fruits and some quick breads and desserts. The chapter provided hot dogs.
I came away highly encouraged. 25 members attended and one NCTA staff member. We elected new officers, and I am so very happy to tell you that I am not an officer this round. We have some new people who are stepping up to the plate. That's really exciting to me!

Two chapter Honor Awards were presented. One was from 2019 because we didn't have a meeting during 2020. This award was presented to the Shoreline Cycling Club for their quick response in opening the trail between US 10 and Wingleton Road after the big wind event that did so much damage in the Baldwin Area. I've showed you pictures of that damaged area in other posts. Dave McClean accepted the award for the club.

Then the 2020 Honor Award was given to Peter Bennett for his untiring work to maintain the section of trail from 76th to 96th St, which includes the Sterling Marsh boardwalks. He also keeps portions of our 80 miles mowed when they need it.

After the meeting there was an optional hike nearby (the club is close to the NCT, but not right on it). Eight of us chose to go for a six-mile hike. We did the section from Hodenpyl Dam to Porcupine Junction (just a cross trail at the Northern Exposure Campground, but it's a cute name). This piece of trail is always beautiful, even if the sky and water aren't blue. Pictured are Gary and Peg.

We encountered a group of women Med students from U of M who were out doing a 5-day backpacking adventure. They had just started and smiling came easy. It was neat to see how excited they were.

Just a couple more pictures along the pond. This is a beautiful section. I was talking with people a lot, so didn't get pictures of some of the details of plants or whatever, but strengthening relationships with trail friends is good too.

North Country Trail miles for 2021 is at 343.
There is no other news. What with preparations, travel, and doing some extra volunteer stuff after I got home, this consumed the entire day. This is as planned. No complaints.
North Country Trail, Wexford County, MI, Hodenpyl Dam to Porcupine Junction and back, 6 miles.
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Love the name porcupine junction. .
Lulu: "Uh-oh. Porcupine Junction? Dada says I have to stay even farther away from porcupines than I do from skunks!"
Ann- me too- it's exceptionally cute.
Lulu- to be honest, I've never seen a porcupine there.
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