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Friday, June 17, 2022

My Favorite Truck Stop? - Day 199

  You've seen it before. Travel that ends for the day at a truck stop. Turns out, I've stayed at this exact truck stop before. Maybe it will become a regular. They have a good hot table of food inside, as well as an attached Denny's, and the location is good. parked at a truck stop

The day was gorgeous, and even though I started out tired, I did wake up, and the drive was just the right length. Almost halfway home! Biggest challenge was a strong wind all day that meant I had to pay more attention to the driving. sky and clouds from car

I'll tell you a funny story from yesterday. Kevin is a natural-born salesman. He was pitching all kinds of products and techniques to me from the first few moments after we met.

At the end of our time together, he diplomatically ventured, "If I could just make a suggestion for you to think about, it seems to me that you tend to be uncoachable."

I laughed out loud in his face and said, "That's the nicest description anyone has ever given of that aspect of my character! Most people use less charitable words. You need to talk to Marie about how uncoachable I am. She's managed to modify a few of my behaviors over the course of many years."

Kevin gave me a sort of funny grin and said, "I guess you know yourself pretty well."

"Prickly," I said. "The word people use for me is prickly. If the word 'uncoachable' had been around in the 1950s, my mother might have used it. She settled for, 'You can't tell her anything.'"

I could have added that my Dad called me "Little Miss Know-it-All." Uncoachable? Ha!

See Halfway


vanilla said...

And, Ha Ha!

Doug said...

That made me laugh out loud. Now I'm going to have to try to "coach" you next time I see you!

Ann said...

Uncoachable, I like that word...lol

Beyond my garden said...

At "toast" now to all the many "uncoachabel" women out here.

Stacy said...

I don't know. I think I like "prickly" better. :)